Indigeneity by Nina George

Following golden threads on facebook (yes there are “some”!), i came across Sharon Blackie’s idea for her latest book. In her words:

“If Women Rose Rooted, Like Trees is a book by Sharon Blackie about the landscapes of Celtic nations and the mindscapes of their women. It will be published in spring 2016. A key theme of the book is the need to reclaim our own indigeneity through stories that spring from our own lands and cultures, rather than relying on or appropriating the indigeneity of others. It focuses on the ways in which place and story merge to create an authentic way of belonging to the world at a time of increasing alienation and uncertainty about the future. At its heart, it’s about a revolution of belonging.

The purpose of this website is to collect together the stories and reflections of women who derive meaning from their identification with the landscapes of what sometimes has been called the ‘Celtic fringe’ or the ‘Western archipelago’, and the mythical women who are associated with it. I’m interested especially in women who derive from it inspiration for their lives, artistic practice, or work in environmental and community organisations.”

I sent in my story… my own myth of belonging and my journey to it… after some reworkings, Sharon has polished my piece into this shiny story… it is quite strange but also pleasing to have this validation.

Sharon is still looking for contributions from women as she outlined above – the main page is here –